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Raised in New Zealand, Freddy draws inspiration from their countries extensive flora & fauna to create plein-air gouache paintings bordering between realism & fantasy. They're dedicated to creating a unique and personalized art experience that captures the essence of nature and their own creative vision.


Today, Freddy is part of ASC, and can be found just off upper Symonds St, hidden away within a retro, rabbit warren-style old church 

How it all works

We chat about what you're after, including any deadlines or details you'd like to include, and 1-3 reference photos for the piece. If there's any variations from my regular service we'll agree on a price. I'll send an invoice to your email & you complete payment. From there I'll get started! For some more complex items I'll  show you the initial sketch, you voice any alterations you'd like to see, and I make them. When your piece is finished, you'll get sent the full-resolution picture of your commission. I might post it on social media, in which case I'll mention you in the caption, but I can keep it anonymous it if you'd like. For physical items I'll arrange shipping details with you. Enjoy your commission! If you share, please clearly credit & link back to me By commissioning me, you agree to my terms of service below

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Live Painting
What to expect

we'll agree on a price, I'll send an invoice to your email for you to complete before the event. I will arrive before the start of the ceremony, reception, or event to set-up & take some photos of the setting, as well as the moment discussed during your consultation (ceremony kiss/exit, first dance, ect). I will continue painting from photos at the reception venue so that guests can watch the painting’s progress while enjoying the party!  If additional work or touch-ups are still needed, I will take it back to the studio for some extra love and attention, before scheduling a pick-up from Auckland, New Zealand.  ​ All packages include  - Travel up to 100km roundtrip from Auckland CBD -Detailed consultsession prior to event -4 to 8 hours of live on-site painting -varnishing to protect the painting

Painting Care

DO’s Hold the painting by the edges only.  Use compressed air in a can to blow away surface dust.  The best type of light for your painting is indirect sunlight, recessed lighting, and halogen lights (not ultraviolet). DON’Ts Avoid any kind of pressure (even finger pressure) to the front or back of the canvas. Cracks in the paint will likely develop after a time if this is done.  Avoid placing the artwork above a heat source such as active fireplaces or in moist environments like bathrooms, for an extended period of time. Rapid environmental fluctuations will be harmful to the painting.  Avoid using any liquid, including water, to clean the surface of your acrylic painting. Never use dry or moist dust cloths, stiff bristle brushes or feather dusters to clean a painting, as threads can catch on areas of raised paint and dusters can scratch the painting.

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Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you agree to my terms & conditions 1. I take payment in USD via Paypal or NZD via bank transfer 2. Commissions usually take me around a week to a month, depending on my queue 3. If you share my art, please clearly credit & link back to me 4. You're welcome to crop your commission and/or use it online, provided you follow the above 5. If you cancel, I'll refund based on how much work was completed 6. Sufficiently ill-behaved commissioners will be dropped without refund 7. Do not sell, publish, or otherwise use my work for profit, commercial purposes, or promotional material. You are purchasing my labour, not the rights to my work 8.You do not have the right to edit or commission edits for my artwork without my explicit permission. ​Editing: You do not have the right to edit or commission edits for my artwork without my explicit permission. Liability: By commissioning a piece of art, the client assures that they have all the necessary rights for using the characters and other assets that the commissioned picture may contain. The commissioner also grants the artist a royalty-free, irrevocable, irreversible and permanent license to use the aforementioned characters and other assets as a part of their work and to distribute the work with no compensation of any kind required. The commissioner accepts full liability for all claims, copyright or other, on the aforementioned characters and assets, and agrees to indemnify the artist from and against any and all legal proceedings, claims or financial losses related to or arising from the commissioned work. Changes to a commission in progress: After I send the first approval sketch I will only re-sketch the image one more time, if it is not to your liking at all. I urge commissioners to provide accurate visual references for both the characters and the scene to avoid a situation like this. Additional sketches after the first two will be charged according to current commission prices. Minor changes to the sketch may be exempt from this at my discretion. After the sketch has been approved only minor changes or fixes to errors can be accepted at my discretion. Requesting your commission to be streamed: If you would like your commission done on stream where you can watch please just ask. I usually stream when I do artwork so I have company while I work. If you DO NOT want your commission streamed at all please let me know also. I can choose to stream your commission if I want to and you ask, but it is not an implicit right to demand for it. Lost your commission piece: If you have somehow lost your high res copy of the commission please contact me. Though I am not sure how long your file will be on my computer. If I do resend it there will be a 5$ fee to find and fetch the image. By commissioning me, you agree to my terms & conditions

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